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The Lamplighter Blog

who invented cover

Who Invented the Bong?

This article delves into the fascinating history of the bong, revealing its ancient roots and the journey to modern-day popularity. It highlights key figures and cultural shifts that contributed to the bong’s evolution, offering insights into both its traditional significance and contemporary appeal in the cannabis culture.

Cover Image for Intermittent Fasting and Cannabis

Cannabis and Fasting

Dive into the nuanced relationship between cannabis use and various fasting practices, including intermittent fasting and religious observances like Ramadan. Understand how substances like THC can impact your fasting goals indirectly through increased appetite and the potential to disrupt metabolic states like ketosis. Whether you’re considering smoking, vaping, or indulging in edibles, this article offers essential insights for aligning cannabis consumption with your health and wellness objectives.

Dab Rig & Accessories

A Comprehensive Guide to Dab Rigs

In the world of cannabis consumption, dab rigs have gained immense popularity. From understanding what they are to learning how to use and maintain them, this article covers everything you need to know. Discover the components, materials, and techniques involved in dabbing, as well as important safety tips. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or new to dabbing, this guide will help you navigate the exciting world of dab rigs and enhance your cannabis experience.

Bong v Dab Rig Cover Image

Dab Rigs vs Bongs: How to Smoke a Lot at Once

In this comprehensive guide, we compare bongs and dab rigs in the cannabis paraphernalia industry. Learn about their functionalities, advantages, considerations, and when to use each. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or new to cannabis, this article will help you make an informed decision for an elevated smoking experience.

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What is a Bubbler Bong?

Dive into the intriguing world of bubbler bongs with our comprehensive guide. Uncover the seamless blend of portability and smooth, water-filtered hits that make bubbler bongs a favored choice among cannabis enthusiasts. From the basics of what a bubbler bong is to detailed instructions on use and care, this guide is your all-in-one resource for everything you need to know. Whether you’re a seasoned smoker or new to the scene, discover how to elevate your smoking experience with the unique benefits of bubbler bongs.

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Why You Need a Screen for Your Bowl

Dive into the world of bong accessories with our comprehensive guide on pipe screens. Learn how to install, maintain, and reap the benefits of using screens to enhance your smoking experience. From preventing clogs to conserving your herb, discover the simple yet impactful ways pipe screens can elevate your sessions. Whether you’re a seasoned smoker or new to the scene, this article is your go-to resource for all things related to pipe screens in bongs.

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Bangers vs Bowls for Bongs

Dive into the world of cannabis paraphernalia with our comprehensive guide on bangers vs. bowl pieces. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or a curious beginner, this article sheds light on the key differences, usage, and maintenance of these essential accessories. Learn about the compatibility of bangers with traditional bongs, the challenges of dabbing with a regular bowl, and expert tips to enhance your smoking experience. Join us as we navigate through the nuances of cannabis culture, guided by the expertise of Josiah Lamp, founder of Union Square Lamp Company.

Bowls for Bongs cover

Bowl Pieces for Bongs

Dive into the world of bong accessories with our comprehensive guide on bowl pieces. From understanding different sizes and types to mastering the art of selection and maintenance, this article is your go-to resource. We also feature the exquisite Stone of Barenziah Large Crystal Bowl, a unique blend of elegance and functionality for your smoking sessions. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or a curious beginner, our insights will enhance your smoking experience, ensuring you make the most informed choices for your bong setup.

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What is Kief?

Dive into the intriguing world of cannabis paraphernalia in our latest article, where we unravel the mysteries of kief. Learn about its potent composition, various methods of collection and use, and how it compares to other cannabis concentrates like moon rocks and bubble hash. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or a curious beginner, this guide offers valuable insights into the potent and versatile world of kief, enhancing your cannabis experience with knowledge and expertise. Join us in exploring the rich and potent aspects of cannabis that go beyond the bud.

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What is a Grinder Coin?

Unlock the secret to maximizing your kief collection with our insightful guide on grinder coins. Learn how this simple addition to your grinder can revolutionize your cannabis grinding process, from choosing the ideal coin to understanding its impact on kief yield. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or a curious newcomer, this article sheds light on an innovative yet straightforward technique to enhance your cannabis experience. Dive into the world of grinder coins and elevate your grinding game to new heights.

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