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Breaking Up with Cannabis: How to Take a Tolerance Break

Taking a tolerance break from cannabis can have numerous benefits, such as reducing tolerance levels, decreasing the risk of addiction, and increasing the effectiveness of cannabis. However, taking a break from cannabis use can be challenging, especially for those who use it frequently. During a tolerance break, individuals may experience withdrawal symptoms, such as irritability, anxiety, insomnia, decreased appetite, and headaches. Managing these symptoms can be challenging, but strategies such as exercise, meditation, healthy eating habits, and getting enough sleep can help alleviate them. It is also important to adjust to life without cannabis and engage in alternative activities to distract from the urge to use. By setting goals, focusing on physical health, and staying hydrated, individuals can have a successful and fulfilling tolerance break.

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Rolling in Style: A Guide to Different Types of Rolling Papers for Cannabis

Rolling papers are an essential accessory for cannabis smokers. With so many options available on the market, it can be challenging to choose the right type of paper to suit your needs. In this article, we’ll explore the different types of rolling papers available, including wood pulp, rice, and hemp papers, as well as alternative or novelty options like flavored or transparent papers. We’ll also discuss the factors to consider when choosing rolling papers, such as flavor, burn rate, material, size, and brand reputation. Whether you’re a seasoned smoker or new to the world of cannabis, this article will help you make an informed decision when it comes to choosing the perfect rolling papers for your needs.

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Defund the DEA

The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) was established in 1973 as a part of the War on Drugs, with the goal of reducing drug use and drug-related crime in the United States. However, decades later, the DEA’s approach to drug policy has proven to be ineffective, harmful, and costly. The high cost of enforcement and incarceration, racial disparities in drug arrests and sentencing, and the use of excessive force in drug raids are just a few of the problems associated with the DEA’s enforcement-focused approach. In this article, we will explore alternatives to the DEA and make the case for defunding and abolishing the agency.

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Top 5 Myths About Bongs – Debunked!

Looking for a smoother, more efficient way to smoke cannabis? Bongs might be just what you need. Despite their popularity, there are many myths and misconceptions surrounding bongs. In this article, we will debunk the top myths about bongs and explain why they are actually a great choice for cannabis users. From the belief that bongs are more harmful than other smoking methods, to the idea that they are only for experienced smokers, we will provide the facts and tips you need to know to enjoy using a bong. So, let’s get started!

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Broken Bong? Learn to Fix your Bong Fast

A broken bong can be a frustrating experience for any cannabis smoker. However, with the right tools and knowledge, many common issues can be easily fixed. From cracked glass to clogged bowls, there are solutions available to help you get back to enjoying your smoking experience. In this article, we will discuss common bong problems and solutions, as well as tips for cleaning and maintenance to keep your bong in good condition for a longer time.

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Can a Bong Explode? (Everything You Need to Know Now)

Bongs are a popular smoking device that can provide a smooth and flavorful smoking experience. However, bongs can also be dangerous if they are not used properly. One of the risks associated with bongs is the potential for them to explode if they become overheated, which can cause serious injury and property damage. Additionally, bongs can shatter if they become too cold, which can be equally dangerous. By understanding the risks associated with bongs and taking appropriate precautions, users can enjoy their bong in a safe and responsible manner.

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Is Weed Racist?

From ‘weed’ to ‘marijuana’, pejorative terms for cannabis have a long and racist history in America. Used as a tool to demonize a plant with valuable medicinal and recreational properties, these terms have contributed to harmful stereotypes and discrimination towards communities of color. Understanding the origins and implications of these terms is an important step towards combating racism and promoting a more accurate and respectful understanding of cannabis.

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Best Durable Bongs for Experienced Users: Unbreakable and Long-Lasting Pieces

Looking for a durable and long-lasting bong? Investing in an unbreakable bong is the way to go. In this article, we’ve explored the top five durable bongs for experienced users, with options ranging from modular designs to collapsible models. While all of the bongs we’ve covered are excellent choices, the Original Smoking Lamp stands out as the best unbreakable bong at the most affordable price. Made from thick borosilicate glass with a reinforced base, this bong is built to last. Its removable silicone downstem diffuser makes it easy to clean and refill, while its simple yet elegant design is sure to impress. So, why not upgrade your smoking experience with the best unbreakable bong on the market?

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How to Use a Hookah for Cannabis: Tips, Tricks, and Accessories

Looking for a new and exciting way to enjoy cannabis? If you’re already a fan of hookah smoking, you might want to try using your hookah for cannabis consumption. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about using a hookah for cannabis, from setting it up to cleaning it, to tips for getting the most out of your smoking session. We’ll also discuss some important health risks and precautions to keep in mind, as well as some alternative methods of cannabis consumption. Finally, we’ll provide some recommendations for hookah accessories and upgrades that can help take your smoking experience to the next level. Let’s get started!

Bongs in Antiquity

Dive into the fascinating journey of bongs from their ancient origins with the Scythians, through the bamboo “baung” of Southeast Asia, to the spiritual chillums of India. Discover how these historical artifacts influenced modern cannabis culture and the pivotal role of innovators like Josiah Lamp in shaping the future of smoking paraphernalia.

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